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format:         #highlight [{type}] [{string}]
                     #highlight [type] [{string}]

The [] signify optional arguments.

The higlight command is used to allow you to highlight strings of text from
the mud.   The possible types are bold, reverse, faint, italic, blink, or
a number between 1 and 8.   The numbers correspond to colors 1 through 8
of your color pallette.

New to v1.5, you can now use the color names as well as the old convention of
#'s for colors.   Valid color names include:

red, blue, cyan, green, yellow, magenta, white, grey, black, brown, charcoal,
light red, light blue, light cyan, light magenta, light green, b red, b blue,
b cyan, b green, b yellow, b magenta, b white, b grey, b black, b brown,
b charcoal, b light red, b light blue, b light cyan, b light magenta,
b light green, bold, faint, blink, italic, reverse

The %0-9 variables can be used as 'wildcards' that will match with any text.
They are useful for highlighting a complete line.
You may start the string to highlight with a ^ to only highlight text
if it begins the line.

Note: This command is only compatible with ANSI/VT100 terminals or emulators.

#high {reverse} {Valgar}
print every occurrence of 'Valgar' in reverse video
#high {6} {%0tells you%1}
print every complete line that contains 'tells you' in color 6
#high bold {^You}
boldface any 'You' that starts a line
#high {red, blink} {Grimne}
each time the word Grimne appeared, it's be shown in a blinking red color.